眼皮調整私房密技大公開- 單眼皮調整



時間: May 5,2015 at 2:00pm~5:00 pm

地點:Markham (Hwy 7 /Fairbum ), Toronto


報名方法:請私訊或EMAIL( vivianwumakeup@gmail.com )給我



在〈眼皮調整私房密技大公開- 單眼皮調整〉中有 1 則留言

  1. Hi Vivian

    I am wondering when will you be hosting the next 單眼皮調整 class? I would like to sign up and I can be your model again too 🙂

    I am looking forward to the class !

    Vivian Wong (one of your beautiful ex brides)

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